Staying ahead of the technology curve means strengthening your competitive advantage. That is why we give you data-driven innovation insights into the space industry. This time, you get to discover 5 hand-picked CubeSat solutions.
Out of 91, the Global Startup Heat Map highlights 5 Top CubeSat Solutions
The insights of this data-driven analysis are derived from the Big Data & Artificial Intelligence (AI)-powered StartUs Insights Discovery Platform, covering 2 093 000+ startups & scaleups globally. The platform gives you an exhaustive overview of emerging technologies & relevant startups within a specific field in just a few clicks.
The Global Startup Heat Map below reveals the distribution of the 91 exemplary startups & scaleups we analyzed for this research. Further, it highlights 5 SpaceTech startups that we hand-picked based on criteria such as founding year, location, funding raised, and more. You get to explore the solutions of these 5 startups & scaleups in this report. For insights on the other 86 CubeSat solutions, get in touch.
SatRevolution builds CubeSat Platforms
Founding Year: 2016
Location: Wroclaw, Poland
Partner for Earth Observation Data
Polish startup SatRevolution development of CubeSat platforms for agriculture, governments, and business organizations. Stork, the startup’s CubeSat shared earth observation platform, provides a fast and cost-effective way to get payloads to orbit and generate data. It collects multispectral medium-resolution imagery and data for agricultural and energy customers. The startup’s solution allows companies to access earth-observation data and send payloads into orbit.
U-Space advances Nanosatellite Engineering
Founding Year: 2018
Location: Toulouse, France
Collaborate for Nanosatellite Design
French startup U-Space designs solutions for engineering nanosatellites. The startup’s software Utopia evaluates power architecture, thermal control, flight mechanics, altitude, and orbit control, reducing both costs and design time. It designs the nanosatellite and its ground segment, along with developing the flight software and the control algorithms. Utilizing automation of assembly testing speeds the process of construction up. The startup also provides operations support for each project.
SteamJet offers Thruster Systems
Founding Year: 2017
Location: Ashford, UK
Partner with SteamJet for High Thrust Systems
British startup SteamJet develops thruster systems for CubeSats. Steam Thruster, the startup’s electrothermal propulsion system, provides high-thrust, limits environmental impact upon usage, and lowers power consumption. Using low-pressure water as the main propellant, it is launch-safe and easy to integrate into any platform and serves both small satellites and CubeSats. The low voltage and the absence of ionized particles make the system ideal for both telecommunication and optical payload.
NPHSAT engineers Radio Frequency (RF) Antennas
Founding Year: 2019
Location: Vijayawada, India
Work with NHPSAT on Small Satellites
Indian startup NPHSAT develops small satellites and antennas for space missions. The startup designs and develops CanSats, CubeSats, and PocketQubes, among other small satellites. PDSAT-1, a miniaturized satellite developed by NPHSAT, carries messages into space on titanium plaques and orbits around the earth for a year. The startup also assists companies in the design and development of RF antennas, providing miniaturized off-the-shelf antennas as well as custom antenna integration services.
Orbion Space Technology develops Propulsion Systems
Founding Year: 2016
Location: Houghton, US
Reach out to build Hall-effect Thrusters
US-based startup Orbion Space Technology engineers propulsion systems for small satellites. The solution offers high-performance Hall-effect propulsion systems to small satellite missions. Aurora Hall-Effect Propulsion Systems is a fully integrated Hall-effect propulsion system, including thruster, power processing unit, propellant management assembly, and electrical harnessing. Its solution increases the image quality of satellites by operating at lower orbit altitudes as well as provides better signal-to-noise for synthetic aperture radar (SAR) missions. The design for the system is from the ground up to be an affordable, reliable, mass-producible product, reducing the cost of launching payloads.
Discover more SpaceTech Startups
SpaceTech startups such as the examples highlighted in this report focus on nanosatellites, satellite communication, and satellite constellations. While all of these technologies play a major role in advancing the space industry, they only represent the tip of the iceberg. To explore more space technologies, simply get in touch to let us look into your areas of interest. For a more general overview, you can download our free SpaceTech Innovation Report to save your time and improve strategic decision-making.