Discover 6 Artificial Intelligence Startups You Should Watch in 2021

Discover 6 hand-picked, global startups that were founded in 2020 and develop innovative Artificial Intelligence solutions that will impact your sector in 2021!

Despite the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on global supply chains and other economically important systems, 2020 still managed to produce major tech breakthroughs, as well as thousands of startups. We analyzed 7.657 artificial intelligence (AI) startups, all of them developing innovative solutions spanning from improved customer service to gender equality at the workplace, and more efficient healthcare. In this report, you will discover 6 emerging artificial intelligence startups founded in 2020.

The 6 promising Artificial Intelligence startups you should watch in 2021 were hand-picked based on our data-driven startup scouting approach, taking into account factors such as location, founding year, and relevance of technology, among others. The 7.657 companies that were analyzed for this report are identified using the StartUs Insights Discovery Platform, covering 1.379.000+ startups & scaleups globally. When you are looking for up-to-date AI solutions for your innovation units, R&D, or product development department, the StartUs Insights Discovery Platform gives you the most exhaustive collection and ensures you continuously discover new startups, scaleups, and technologies.

Global Startup Heat Map: 6 AI Startups to Watch in 2021

The Global Startup Heat Map below highlights 6 AI startups, established in 2020, developing technology-driven solutions for various industries. Moreover, you can explore global hotspots for AI startups and even download this graphic to include in your next presentation.


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Reekon – Customer Service

Artificial Intelligence is steadily penetrating numerous industries globally. AI helps improve productivity, efficiency, and profitability – overall, supporting companies to extend their competitive edge. In combination with open-source programming tools, it is increasingly becoming easier for developers to create and implement AI tools. For example, AI-enabled chatbots increase the efficiency of customer service in consumer-facing industries. To this end, AI startups help companies reduce costs by automating customer engagement.

Lithuanian startup Reekon offers a semi-autonomous customer service automation platform to handle e-commerce and IT customer inquiries. With the help of artificial intelligence, the startup enables organizations to automatically generate answers and resolve customer queries. The AI engine leverages historical customer inquiries, knowledge base, products, and services databases to generate actionable insights in real-time. Further, Reekon’s solution integrates with multiple customer service softwares including Zendesk, Fresh Desk, and WooCommerce to automate customer requested actions or tasks.

Overwrite – Learning Platforms

EdTech and remote learning solutions enable children to learn and grow irrespective of their socio-economic circumstances. For example, due to the recent COVID-19 pandemic, schools and universities have turned to online education, bringing its own set of challenges with it. AI solutions customize student-specific curriculums based on the child’s strengths and weaknesses. Startups develop AI-enabled learning platforms to meet the gaps that circumstance creates in a child’s education.

Singaporean startup Overwrite provides an adaptive learning platform that customizes the learning progression of users. With the help of a machine learning (ML)-enabled algorithm, the startup personalizes the learning content to individual users based on their strengths and weaknesses. The platform also offers detailed analytics on the progress of users.

WhiteBox HR – Human Resources (HR)

Despite steady progress in terms of gender equality, there is still a long way to go in terms of implementing it. Tackling gender inequality by eliminating recruitment bias in companies helps achieve a gender-balanced workplace. Startups use artificial intelligence solutions to enable companies to focus on gender diversity while hiring.

The UAE-based startup WhiteBox HR develops machine learning algorithms for talent acquisition and management. The startup utilizes AI and analytics to augment the employee and candidate experience. This results in an increase in employee satisfaction and engagement as well as positivity and productivity for all stakeholders. Moreover, the startup’s advanced algorithms are customizable at a role-level to each company considering their diversity in talent.

Accrad – Healthcare Diagnostics

Medical imaging advances enable doctors to efficiently identify disease markers and predict potentially dangerous health concerns. Artificial intelligence plays a vital role in such advances by enabling clinicians to focus more on the patient rather than reports and repetitive tasks. Startups develop AI-enabled medical imaging solutions that analyze and identify disease markers to enhance and speed up medical diagnostics.

South African startup Accrad develops CheXRad, a deep learning-based X-ray solution for radiologists. The startup’s solution analyzes X-ray scans of patients against standard healthy scans to predict disease markers and other anomalies including tumors. CheXRad reduces the time it takes for radiologists to analyze the scans and improves the accuracy with which predictions are inferred. Moreover, the AI solution is trained with a large-scale, high-quality training set that is all part of clinically proven cases. – Text Analytics

Auto Scribing with the help of natural language processing (NLP) is gaining momentum to perform various manual and repetitive tasks. Artificial intelligence algorithms analyze word combinations from multiple sources of data to identify opportunities for cost or process optimization. With the right program, unstructured data is made valuable and startups develop innovative text analytics solutions to enhance the human effort.

The US-based startup develops AI-enabled software for text extraction, classification, and summarization. The startup uses AI, deep learning, and NLP to clean unstructured data and provide actionable insights based on the resultant structured data. The solution is multi-lingual and is capable of processing a variety of text from different formats including documents, reports, emails, text messages, calls as well as voice mails, and websites.

Delta AI – Social Media Intelligence

Brand perception and consumer sentiment are vital for organizations to understand their customer base better. The amount of video and text data uploaded online is rapidly increasing, creating opportunities for business improvement and consumer engagement by analyzing the data. Startups develop social media intelligence tools to help organizations realize the potential of happy customers.

Australian startup Delta AI leverages AI to distinguish content between deepfakes and reality. The startup leverages computer vision to analyze social media content to reveal parts of the video that is invisible to traditional, text-based search. This solution enables brands to make strategic marketing decisions with accuracy and speed. Delta’s AI models interpret live data from major social media networks to provide contextual insights into how products are being used around the world.

What does Artificial Intelligence mean for your company?

To stay ahead of the technology curve, it is important that you know which technologies and industry trends will impact your company in 2021. You can explore our curated reports on Artificial Intelligence or let us do the work for you. To keep you up-to-date on the latest technology and emerging solutions, we provide you with actionable innovation intelligence – quickly and exhaustively.

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