Discover 5 Top Industrial Packaging Startups

Curious about new technological advancements in the packaging industry? Explore our analysis of 252 global industrial packaging startups & scaleups and learn how their solutions impact your business!

Staying ahead of the technology curve means strengthening your competitive advantage. That is why we give you data-driven innovation insights into the packaging industry. This time, you get to discover five hand-picked industrial packaging startups.

Out of 252, the Global Startup Heat Map highlights 5 Top Industrial Packaging Startups

The insights of this data-driven analysis are derived from the Big Data and Artificial Intelligence (AI)-powered StartUs Insights Discovery Platform, covering 2 093 000+ startups and scaleups globally. The platform gives you an exhaustive overview of emerging technologies and relevant startups within a specific field in just a few clicks.

The Global Startup Heat Map below reveals the distribution of the 252 exemplary startups and scaleups we analyzed for this research. Further, it highlights five packaging startups that we hand-picked based on criteria such as founding year, location, funding raised, and more. You get to explore the solutions of these five startups and scaleups in this report. For insights on the other 247 industrial packaging solutions, get in touch with us.


SharkCrates offers Collapsible Wood Shipping Crates

Founding Year: 2018
Location: Milwaukee, US
Partner with SharkCrates for Heavy Duty Modular Wooden Crates

Wooden pallets and crates are widely used in the logistics value chain to transport expensive parts and products. However, they are often customized for specific requirements, rendering high operational costs for industries. In addition, their production needs forest clearing for raw material sourcing, accelerating climate change. Since wooden crates are critical to secure products, startups offer solutions, such as better engineering designs and alternative materials, to reduce production costs.

SharkCrates is a US-based startup that manufactures collapsible wood crates for the shipping and export industries. Its export-ready crates have a quick-assemble design and come in varying sizes. Moreover, SharkCrates’ heavy-duty modular shipping crates allow warehouses to disassemble the crates when not in use. This allows warehousing firms to optimize logistics, save space, and reduce labor costs.

Blue Lake Packaging provides Biodegradable Packaging Fibers

Founding Year: 2018
Location: Palo Alto, US
Innovative with the startup for Plastic-free Industrial Packaging Materials

Plastic is an integral part of both consumer and industrial packaging. In the latter, plastic finds use in pallets, barrels, and cushion packaging. These eventually end up in landfills and oceans, contributing to a massive section of plastic pollution. To tackle this issue, startups offer biodegradable materials. They replace plastic in industrial packaging applications without affecting package performance.

Blue Lake Packaging is a US-based startup that develops biodegradable, compostable fiber-based plastic-free packaging materials. The startup’s proprietary material offers sustainable alternatives for the packaging sector. For instance, its fiber-based electrostatic discharge (ESD) packaging replaces conventional polyethylene terephthalate (PET), a major contributor to plastic pollution. In effect, the startup’s solutions allow industrial packaging companies to reduce their carbon footprint without compromising package integrity.

Econovus manufactures Returnable Export Packaging

Founding Year: 2019
Location: Pune, India
Use this solution for Bulk Packaging Reverse Logistics

Industrial packages, like bulk containers and wooden pallets, conventionally follow a one-way logistics system. Due to this, the recyclable and returnable assets stay unutilized or get diverted to landfills. To mitigate this, startups establish a connected ecosystem to enable reverse logistics of containers and other industrial packages. This minimizes processing and production costs for industrial packaging while also reducing the overall carbon footprint of the supply chain.

Indian startup Econovus makes reusable packaging for rental packaging firms. The startup’s Intelligent Logistic System (ILS) uses asset tracking for the life cycle management of returnable packaging. These include foldable containers, bulk packages, plastic crates, and auto parts heavy-duty trolleys. Econovus’ solution thus allows otherwise disconnected supply chains to ensure maximum utilization of packaging resources, saving operational costs and minimizing wastage.

BOX ID Systems enables Smart Industrial Packaging

Founding Year: 2018
Location: Munich, Germany
Reach out to BOX ID for Mobile Asset Tracking

Packaging assets are often forwarded long distances to reach their receivers. Conventional systems do not offer a provision to track package location but only allow receivers to track the location of vehicles. This is why it is challenging to tackle asset theft and substitutions happening in transit. To mitigate this challenge, startups offer smart packaging solutions that provide granular data into package location and condition. This allows both shippers and receivers to monitor their packages and promptly identify discrepancies.

BOX ID is a German startup that facilitates smart industrial packaging. The startup’s range of networked sensor devices combines a global positioning system (GPS) and a WiFi module to track package location. This provides visibility across suppliers without other hardware integrations. For example, BOX ID devices allow central warehouses to track the circulation of containers, whereas they allow glass and window manufacturers to track rack stocks. This, in turn, enables manufacturers and warehouse operators to optimize turnaround times, reduce container requirements, and eliminate bottlenecks in packaging.

EcoHandling makes Low-Cost Reusable Packaging

Founding Year: 2017
Location: Atlit, Israel
Partner with the startup for Reusable Industrial Packaging

High production costs and environmental concerns are major challenges in using wood packaging solutions for product and part shipments. Besides, there is a minimal circulation of used packages in the supply chain, increasing packaging costs. This is why startups provide reverse logistics services that enable companies to reuse packaging assets and minimize their impact on climate change while reducing packaging costs.

Israeli startup EcoHandling offers low-cost reusable packaging solutions for industrial applications. The startup’s reinforced plastic packaging products replace wood and cardboard in the shipping sector. In addition, EcoHandling provides complementary logistics services to facilitate package circulation. This allows industrial companies to cut down packaging costs and reduce their carbon footprint.

Discover more Packaging Startups

Packaging startups such as the examples highlighted in this report focus on sustainable industrial packages, alternative packaging materials, and connected packaging. While all of these technologies play a major role in advancing the packaging industry, they only represent the tip of the iceberg. To explore packaging technologies in more detail, simply let us look into your areas of interest. For a more general overview, download our free Packaging Innovation Report to save your time and improve strategic decision-making.