10 New Augmented Reality Companies: Transforming Digital Interactions

Gain data-driven insights on augmented reality, an industry consisting of 26K+ organizations worldwide. We have selected 10 standout innovators from 12K+ new augmented reality companies, advancing the industry with remote visual assistance, WebAR, AR-guided tours, and more.

This article features 10 new augmented reality (AR) companies that develop solutions catering to different application areas. For example, AR-based remote visual assistance tools enhance real-time communication while industrial walkthrough systems streamline complex operations. Some solutions also offer surgical assistance and webAR solutions. Each company delivers innovative augmented reality solutions that improve situational awareness, efficiency, and more. This article explores the rapid expansion of augmented reality in today’s consumer and industrial landscape. 5 days ago, we last updated this report. Notice something that’s not right? Let’s fix it together.

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Key Takeaways

Drawing insights from the Big Data & AI-powered StartUs Insights Discovery Platform that provides data on over 4.7+ million emerging companies globally, we explore the evolving landscape of the AR sector. This sector is marked by key trends and a substantial workforce, shaping its future. Here are some key insights at a glance:

  • Current Augmented Reality Trends: The current augmented reality trends include metaverse, mixed reality (MR), webAR, wearables, and simulation technologies.
  • Augmented Reality Market Stats: The global augmented reality industry encompasses 26K+ organizations and has a massive 1.3M workforce. It is experiencing a rise of 9.15% in annual growth rate but has seen the emergence of 12K+ new augmented reality companies in the past five years.
  • 10 New Augmented Reality Companies to Watch:
    1. Stories AR – Photo Animation Platform
    2. SQUARS – WebAR Editor
    3. ARxity – Location-based Augmented Reality
    4. augmentify – AR-based Marketing
    5. AR Genie – Remote Visual Assistance
    6. See My Model – Augmented Shopping Experiences
    7. Arti AR – Enhanced Video Presentations
    8. XRGIS – Industrial Walkthrough Systems
    9. Heijar Software – AR-guided Tours
    10. Hoth Intelligence – Surgical Assistance

Discover 10 out of 12K+ Emerging Augmented Reality Companies

In this section, we highlight 10 new augmented reality companies specializing in various application areas like AR-guided tours, photo animation platforms, and more. These companies leverage AR to refine user experience and engagement across domains. They utilize sophisticated algorithms and frameworks to deliver immersive tours, dynamic interactions, engaging marketing campaigns, and interactive experiences. Continue reading to discover the diverse and innovative applications these companies bring to the augmented reality industry.

Note on Signal Strength
One of the unique metrics we feature for each company is Signal Strength, a proprietary data point generated by our Discovery Platform. It gauges the extent to which a company’s influence has permeated the global ecosystem of startups, scaleups, and emerging companies. This proprietary metric serves as a valuable guidepost for understanding a company’s standing in the broader market landscape.

1. Stories AR

  • Founding Year: 2019
  • Employee Range: 11-50
  • Location: USA
  • Signal Strength: Very Strong
  • What they do: Stories AR provides a platform for artists and entrepreneurs to create AR photos. It enables them to animate photos by incorporating AR into projects to enhance visual engagement. The online platform is compatible with mobile devices and improves accessibility to AR tools. This allows small businesses and artists to create AR experiences that attract more attention and engagement from viewers without massive investments.


  • Founding Year: 2022
  • Employee Range: 11-50
  • Location: Austria
  • Signal Strength: Very Strong
  • What they do: SQUARS develops SQUARS STUDIO, a webAR editor platform for creating and sharing augmented reality experiences. It enables users to augment 2D images like posters and magazines as well as 3D objects such as soda cans and sculptures. The platform allows users to upload their assets or utilize pre-made ones for AR enhancements. SQUARS STUDIO also supports team collaboration by enabling comments within the editing mode and real-time feedback among project members.

3. ARxity

  • Founding Year: 2022
  • Employee Range: 2-10
  • Location: USA
  • Signal Strength: Medium Strong
  • What they do: ARxity provides a platform for creating, hosting, and sharing location-based AR experiences. It allows users to develop AR applications to enhance customer interactions through user-friendly interfaces. Industries such as entertainment, marketing, and travel utilize the company’s solution to improve engagement and interaction.

4. augmentify

  • Founding Year: 2019
  • Employee Range: 2-10
  • Location: Germany
  • Signal Strength: Very Strong
  • What they do: augmentify offers AR solutions for marketing, sales, and service applications. Its solution for browsers allows users to access AR content without app downloads. This is suitable for e-commerce and online product visualizations. The company’s solution for apps integrates AR directly into mobile apps to integrate interactive product presentations and real-time data connectivity. Businesses are able to increase customer engagement and effectively showcase their products using these solutions. This way, Augmentify streamlines AR content deployment.

5. AR Genie

  • Founding Year: 2023
  • Employee Range: 11-50
  • Location: USA
  • Signal Strength: Very Strong
  • What they do: AR Genie builds a remote visual assistance solution to assist workers in industrial operations, training, and maintenance. The company’s technology combines AR and artificial intelligence to enable remote specialists to provide real-time guidance through smart AR glasses and mobile devices. It delivers step-by-step instructions, annotations, and 3D models directly in their visual field. The solution also employs computer vision AI to identify potential faults in equipment and facilitate proactive maintenance. In this way, the company’s solution streamlines complex procedures, reduces downtime, and improves operational standards in the manufacturing, automotive, and energy sectors.

6. See My Model

  • Founding Year: 2020
  • Employee Range: 2-10
  • Location: Poland
  • Signal Strength: Very Strong
  • What they do: See My Model allows businesses to create immersive online shopping experiences through its platform. The platform features tools that enable companies to showcase their products in augmented reality on smartphones or tablets. These interactive visualizations facilitate customer decision-making and increase sales conversions for e-commerce, advertising, and industrial applications. The technology also reduces return rates by offering customers a better understanding of what they are buying through realistic product depictions.

7. Arti AR

  • Founding Year: 2019
  • Employee Range: 11-50
  • Location: Israel
  • Signal Strength: Very Strong
  • What they do: Arti AR enhances video presentations by integrating dynamic and engaging AR content. The company’s platform allows businesses to add AR graphics to video calls, webinars, and live streams using a simple web-based interface. This enables organizers of online meetings and events to choose from various templates or upload their 3D models to enhance presentations. The platform is compatible with different cameras and video conferencing software like Zoom, Google Meet, and Microsoft Teams. The solution in this way improves traditional video communication with interactive and visually appealing AR enhancements.


  • Founding Year: 2020
  • Employee Range: 11-50
  • Location: Indonesia
  • Signal Strength: Medium Strong
  • What they do: XRGIS converts raw building information modeling (BIM) and geographic information system (GIS) data into AR visuals. The company’s platform merges various data types, like Autodesk AutoCAD and SketchUp, into a unified AR display. It also features real-time connectivity through direct API links to data sources, eliminating manual input. Further, the platform is compatible with over 150 devices, including Android and iOS mobile devices and VR systems like Oculus and Hololens. XRGIS’ solution provides survey-grade accuracy in positioning utilizing high-accuracy GNSS-less calibration methods. This makes it suitable for both indoor and outdoor environments. The technology benefits engineers and professionals working in the construction, mining, and urban planning industries.

9. Heijar Software

  • Founding Year: 2019
  • Employee Range: 2-10
  • Location: Finland
  • Signal Strength: Very Strong
  • What they do: Heijar Software builds an AR management system for museums and tourist attractions, enhancing guest interactions with immersive experiences. The platform allows venues to easily implement and manage AR content through its content management system (CMS). It supports multilingual content and enables global visitor engagement without extensive customization. The platform also integrates with existing systems through API to facilitate data synchronization and real-time content updates. For marketing and tourist applications, the software enables personalized advertising and increases revenue.

10. Hoth Intelligence

  • Founding Year: 2020
  • Employee Range: 2-10
  • Location: USA
  • Signal Strength: Very Strong
  • What they do: Hoth Intelligence develops augmented reality software for surgical planning and procedure visualization. It allows medical providers to visualize and perform procedures with increased precision and confidence. The platform’s immersive presurgical planning enables surgeons to interact with patient-specific 3D models before surgeries. It also supports real-time training, research, and education, enhancing the learning process for medical professionals.

Quick Tip to Find New AR Companies

Utilizing a SaaS platform like the Discovery Platform for identifying new AR solutions provides significant benefits compared to traditional scouting methods:

  • Streamlined Efficiency: The Discovery Platform offers advanced tools that streamline the scouting process. It replaces your hours of conventional desk research, saving time and resources in identifying augmented reality innovations.
  • Access to Real-time Insights: Gain a competitive edge with up-to-date information on the latest trends in the AR sector. The platform keeps you informed with near real-time updates on emerging augmented reality companies and news, enabling you to make swift and informed decisions.
  • Precise Scouting: Customize your search to focus on specific niches within the augmented reality sector, such as webAR, AR-based Marketing, or assisted maintenance. The platform’s diverse filtering options allow you to target your scouting efforts precisely, ensuring that you find the most relevant and groundbreaking companies in the field.

Ready to Explore All New Augmented Reality Companies?

This overview highlights just a few AR solutions from all 12K+ new companies currently covered by the Discovery Platform. To explore them all, book a personalized demo or download one of our free Industry Innovation Reports for a quick overview. We value collaboration with industry professionals to offer even better insights. Interested in contributing? Get in touch!



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