10 New Carbon Offset Companies Advancing GreenTech

Gain data-driven insights on carbon offset, an industry consisting of 9.5K+ organizations worldwide. We have selected 10 standout innovators from 2.4K+ new carbon offset companies, advancing the industry with large-scale REDD+ projects, ecological footprint calculation, satellite-based CO2 offset tracking, and more.

This article spotlights 10 new carbon offset companies leveraging advanced technologies to combat climate change. Current trends in carbon offsetting include a range of the latest methodologies, including carbon capture and storage (CCS), afforestation, reforestation, and soil carbon sequestration. These methods use blockchain for transparent carbon credit transactions, AI for optimizing carbon capture processes, and remote sensing for monitoring carbon sequestration projects.

New entrants in the carbon offset market are utilizing these technologies to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of carbon offset initiatives. For instance, some companies are utilizing AI-driven models to predict and enhance carbon sequestration in forests and agricultural lands. Others are integrating blockchain to ensure the traceability and integrity of carbon credits, thus enabling trust and accountability in the carbon markets. Additionally, innovations in biochar production and direct air capture (DAC) are expanding the potential for carbon removal from the atmosphere.

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Key Takeaways

Drawing insights from the Big Data & AI-powered StartUs Insights Discovery Platform that provides data on over 4.7+ million emerging companies globally, we explore the evolving landscape of the carbon offset industry. This sector is marked by key trends and a substantial workforce, shaping its future. This article was last updated 5 days ago. If you find any info is missing, let us know! Here are some key insights at a glance:

  • Latest Carbon Offset Trends: Some of the major trends advancing carbon offset are carbon footprint calculation, AI-powered climate investments, carbon offset tracking, REDD+ projects, and ocean carbon removal.
  • Carbon Offset Industry Statistics: The sector comprises 9.5K+ organizations worldwide. Out of these, 2.4K+ new carbon offset companies were founded in the last five years. On average, each of these organizations employs about 22 people and witnesses 2020 as the average founding year. Moreover, the average funding received by these 2.4K+ companies per round in the same span is USD 27.8 million.
  • 10 New Carbon Offset Companies to Watch:
      1. Carbon Addons – Carbon Offset Plugin Software
      2. Quadriz – Large Scale REDD+ Projects
      3. Offset Energy Partners – Carbon Offset for Oil & Gas
      4. Tracks CO2 – Satellite-based CO2 Offset Tracking
      5. Mission 6 – Enterprise Carbon Registry
      6. MyTree – Carbon Offset Credit Generation
      7. Negative – Ecological Footprint Calculation
      8. Atmos – AI-based Climate Investments
      9. Totam Earth – Carbon Offset Marketplace
      10. Offsetter – Company Emission Calculator

Meet 10 out of 2.4K+ Emerging Carbon Offset Companies

In this section, we spotlight 10 new carbon offset companies focusing on large-scale REDD+ projects, satellite-based CO2 tracking, AI-driven climate investments, and emission calculators. These entities integrate technologies like AI, remote sensing, and blockchain. They leverage advanced algorithms and satellite data to enhance carbon sequestration and emissions monitoring. Their AI-based tools optimize climate investment strategies and emission reduction efforts. Read on to explore the innovative solutions these companies offer!

Note on Signal Strength
One of the unique metrics we feature for each company is Signal Strength, a proprietary data point generated by our Discovery Platform. It gauges the extent to which a company’s influence has permeated the global ecosystem of startups, scaleups, and emerging companies. This proprietary metric serves as a valuable guidepost for understanding a company’s standing in the broader market landscape.

1. Carbon Addons

  • Founding Year: 2021
  • Employee Range: 2-10
  • Location: Indonesia
  • Signal Strength: Medium Strong
  • What they do: Carbon Addons develops software that integrates with e-commerce platforms and enables customers to offset the carbon footprint generated by their online purchases. The platform utilizes a carbon offset add-on feature that calculates the environmental impact of a user’s order based on factors such as shipping distance and product weight. This allows users to contribute financially towards carbon reduction initiatives like tree plantation and renewable energy projects, directly at checkout. Carbon Addons offers an impact dashboard for registered users to track their contributions and the environmental benefits generated. Businesses use Carbon Addons to attract environmentally conscious consumers and fulfill their sustainability goals.

2. Quadriz

  • Founding Year: 2019
  • Employee Range: 11-50
  • Location: Netherlands
  • Signal Strength: Strong
  • What they do: Quadriz reduces emissions from deforestation and degradation (REDD+), a market-based mechanism, to tackle deforestation. The company targets areas with imminent deforestation threats through geospatial analysis and field assessments. Corazón Verde del Chaco, its project, adheres to the rigorous verified carbon standard (VCS) and climate, community & biodiversity standards (CCBS) for project design and verification. This ensures the project demonstrably reduces greenhouse gas emissions by preventing deforestation and quantifies the carbon dioxide storage capacity of conserved forests. Companies can participate by acquiring these quantified and verified carbon offsets – verified carbon units (VCUs), which directly mitigate their carbon footprint.

3. Offset Energy Partners

  • Founding Year: 2020
  • Employee Range: 2-10
  • Location: USA
  • Signal Strength: Medium
  • What they do: Offset Energy Partners tackles the oil and gas industry’s carbon footprint with a technically advanced approach to well plugging. They target abandoned wells, a significant source of methane emissions, and design customized well plugs utilizing carbon-rich materials. This design incorporates these materials into the plug itself, transforming it into a long-term carbon sink. The company further employs methodologies to quantify the carbon storage capacity of each plug. This process ensures measurable carbon sequestration and verifiable carbon offsets. Oil and gas companies benefit by mitigating their environmental impact through quantifiable emission reductions.

4. Tracks CO2

  • Founding Year: 2022
  • Employee Range: 2-10
  • Location: Spain
  • Signal Strength: Very Strong
  • What they do: Tracks CO2 offers a platform for monitoring and verifying carbon offset projects. It uses AI and satellite imagery to deliver real-time data on forest restoration efforts. Companies are able to invest in these projects and receive verified carbon credits based on the demonstrably quantified increase in forest biomass. Tracks CO2 utilizes various remote sensing technologies like LiDAR, radar, and optical data to monitor forest health and growth. This continuous monitoring process ensures transparency and traceability throughout the carbon offsetting lifecycle, benefitting both companies seeking to reduce their environmental impact and project developers working towards sustainable reforestation.

5. Mission 6

  • Founding Year: 2022
  • Employee Range: 11-50
  • Location: USA
  • Signal Strength: Weak
  • What they do: Mission 6 tackles climate change through its digital asset, the M6, directly tied to verified reductions in energy use. Its platform uses AI, machine learning, and blockchain to measure and verify these reductions. M6 targets energy consumption, a crucial sector for achieving net-zero goals. Companies can participate by undertaking and registering energy-saving projects on its platform. Following verification through Proof of Certification, Mission 6 issues tradable M6 digital assets commensurate with the quantified emission reductions achieved. The value of each M6 is intrinsically linked to the amount of carbon mitigated and the complexity of the underlying energy-saving project. This fosters a secure and transparent market where businesses are incentivized to reduce their environmental footprint.

6. MyTree

  • Founding Year: 2019
  • Employee Range: 51-100
  • Location: UK
  • Signal Strength: Very Strong
  • What they do: MyTree provides a mobile application for individuals and businesses to manage their carbon footprint. The app calculates a user’s footprint through a questionnaire and facilitates offsetting by purchasing tree plantings or carbon credits. MyTree offers two key features: tree planting and a carbon credit exchange. Tree planting allows users to select the number of trees they wish to plant, with each tree maturing to sequester a quantifiable amount of carbon dioxide annually. Alternatively, users are able to acquire verified carbon credits directly from other MyTree users on the platform’s carbon credit exchange. These credits represent verified carbon sequestered by existing trees planted specifically for carbon offsetting purposes.

7. Negative

  • Founding Year: 2021
  • Employee Range: 11-50
  • Location: Singapore
  • Signal Strength: Very Strong
  • What they do: Negative offers a subscription-based platform for individuals to achieve a negative carbon footprint. Users begin by calculating their carbon footprint on the platform. The company employs location-specific statistical data to ensure precise footprint estimates. Once calculated, users can subscribe to a monthly plan that offsets their emissions using verified carbon credits. Negative utilizes verified credits generated by high-impact environmental projects that adhere to rigorous certification standards. These projects focus on initiatives like wind power generation and biogas production, which directly contribute to renewable energy solutions. The platform offers progress-tracking dashboards and public profiles. This allows individuals to monitor their environmental impact, share their achievements, and actively participate in climate action by achieving a carbon-negative lifestyle.

8. Atmos

  • Founding Year: 2023
  • Employee Range: 2-10
  • Location: USA
  • Signal Strength: Medium Strong
  • What they do: Atmos tackles the complexities of carbon offset investing by providing an AI-driven platform for climate investors. It focuses on data analysis and project evaluation. Investors are able to access a database of over 3,000 carbon offset projects using its search tool. The company’s proprietary AI algorithms then analyze vast amounts of project documentation, generating summaries, risk assessments, and AI-derived letter grades for each project’s environmental impact and sustainability. This emphasis on data transparency empowers investors to make informed decisions by highlighting factors like additionality, baselines, and permanence. Atmos’ platform thus offers an accessible and efficient carbon offset marketplace, benefiting both investors seeking to mitigate their environmental footprint and project developers working towards demonstrably positive climate solutions.

9. Totam Earth

  • Founding Year: 2022
  • Employee Range: 2-10
  • Location: USA
  • Signal Strength: Medium Strong
  • What they do: Tolam Earth operates a digital marketplace for carbon offsets that uses blockchain to ensure transparency and security. Its Automated Regression Market Maker (ARMM) is a system that analyzes the unique attributes of each carbon offset project. This analysis factors in variables beyond just volume, resulting in more accurate pricing that reflects the environmental impact of each project. Buyers on the platform benefit from a wider selection of high-quality offsets and competitive pricing. Project developers gain access to a transparent marketplace where their initiatives are valued according to their distinct contributions to emissions reduction. Tolam Earth’s platform thus facilitates a fairer and more efficient carbon offset market for both corporate buyers and sustainability project developers.

10. Offsetter

  • Founding Year: 2021
  • Employee Range: 2-10
  • Location: Netherlands
  • What they do: Offsetter develops a carbon footprint estimation platform. Individuals can estimate their carbon footprint by inputting spending habits in categories like groceries and transportation. Offsetter then utilizes anonymized spending data to provide personalized insights into users’ environmental impact. The platform connects users with certified carbon offset projects like reforestation or clean cookstove initiatives, allowing them to directly invest in emissions reduction. Businesses use the solution for emission calculations, tracking energy consumption, employee commutes, fleet operations, and business flights. This granular data enables businesses to identify areas for efficiency and cost savings. Offsetter also connects businesses with carbon offset projects, allowing them to neutralize their emissions and contribute to sustainability goals.

Quick Tip to Find New Carbon Offset Companies

Utilizing a SaaS platform like the Discovery Platform for identifying new carbon offset companies provides significant benefits compared to traditional scouting methods:

  • Streamlined Efficiency: The Discovery Platform offers advanced tools that streamline the scouting process. It replaces your hours of conventional desk research, saving time and resources in identifying carbon offset innovations.
  • Access to Real-time Insights: Gain a competitive edge with up-to-date information on the latest trends in the carbon offset industry. The platform keeps you informed with near real-time updates on emerging carbon offset solutions and news, enabling you to make swift and informed decisions.
  • Tailored Scouting: Customize your search to focus on specific niches within the carbon offset sector, such as YYY, YYY, or YYY. The platform’s diverse filtering options allow you to target your scouting efforts precisely, ensuring that you find the most relevant and groundbreaking companies in the field.

Ready to Explore All New Carbon Offset Companies?

We’ve explored the dynamic landscape of the carbon offset industry, examining the latest trends and spotlighting exceptional companies driving innovation. To dive deeper, download our free Decarbonization Report or schedule a demo of the Discovery Platform for a customized exploration of these groundbreaking developments.

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