10 New Second-Life Battery Companies: Energizing the Green Transition

Gain data-driven insights on second-life battery, an industry consisting of 4.1K+ companies worldwide. We have selected 10 standout innovators from 460+ new second-life battery companies advancing the industry with battery upcycling, BMS, second-life energy storage system, and more.

This article provides insights into 10 new second-life battery companies innovating in the battery industry. These firms offer second-life energy storage systems, revived battery elements, battery optimization, and EV battery recovery. Each featured company demonstrates advancements in energy storage solutions by repurposing battery materials and optimizing battery performance. These innovations support a sustainable approach to battery usage while maximizing battery lifespan and efficiency. We updated this report 5 days ago. Notice something’s off? Let’s make it right together — reach out!

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10 New Second-Life Battery Companies

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Key Takeaways

Drawing insights from the Big Data & AI-powered StartUs Insights Discovery Platform that provides data on over 4.7+ million emerging companies globally, we explore the evolving landscape of the second-life battery industry. This sector is marked by key trends and a substantial workforce, shaping its future. Here are some key insights at a glance:

  • Current Second-Life Battery Trends: Some of the major trends impacting the second-life battery sector are the standardization of battery modules, battery management systems, grid-connected energy storage, battery diagnostics, and cost reduction strategies.
  • Second-Life Battery Industry Stats: The sector comprises 4.1K+ organizations worldwide. Out of these, 460+ new second-life battery companies were founded in the last five years, with 2020 as the average founding year. On average, each of these companies employ about 18 people. Moreover, the average funding received by these 460+ new second-life battery companies per round in the same span is USD 10.9 million.
  • 10 New Second-Life Battery Companies to Watch:
    1. Refurb Battery – Circular Battery-based Energy Storage
    2. CeLLife Technologies – AI-based Electrical Fingerprinting
    3. Little Energy – EV Battery Recovery
    4. Higher Wire – Renewed Lithium Ion Batteries
    5. reLi Energy – Battery Optimization
    6. Vaulta – Recyclable & Reusable Battery Case
    7. IOTA – Battery Repairing & Repurposing
    8. e.battery systems – Second-Life Energy Storage System
    9. Element Energy – Advanced Battery Management
    10. Modual – Battery Upcycling

Discover 10 out of 460+ Emerging Second-Life Battery Companies

In this section, we spotlight 10 new second-life battery companies focusing on battery upcycling, advanced battery management, second-life energy storage systems, and more. These companies leverage innovative technologies to repurpose used batteries, enhance battery performance, and extend their operational lifespan. They also utilize advanced management systems and optimization techniques to improve energy storage efficiency and sustainability. Read on to explore many more innovative solutions that these companies offer!

Note on Signal Strength
One of the unique metrics we feature for each company is Signal Strength, a proprietary data point generated by our Discovery Platform. It gauges the extent to which a company’s influence has permeated the global ecosystem of startups, scaleups, and emerging companies. This proprietary metric serves as a valuable guidepost for understanding a company’s standing in the broader market landscape.

1. Refurb Battery

  • Founding Year: 2022
  • Employee Range: 11-50
  • Location: Netherlands
  • Signal Strength: Strong
  • What they do: Refurb Battery provides circular, low-carbon battery storage containers scalable from 300kWh to over 1 MWh. Its solution optimizes battery longevity through advanced data gathering and monitoring while the alternating current (AC) interface hub for easy expansion of energy storage capacity. This supports peak shaving and electrification efforts across sectors like remote construction, outdoor events, and e-mobility.

2. CeLLife Technologies

  • Founding Year: 2022
  • Employee Range: 2-10
  • Location: Finland
  • Signal Strength: Medium Strong
  • What they do: CeLLife Technologies provides an AI-based electrical fingerprint platform (EFP) for fast and accurate battery cell analysis. It delivers critical data quickly by analyzing battery cells, modules, and systems. The company’s CeLLife – Battery Perfected Cloud platform augments the EFP and offers insights and analytics in real-time. These products allow battery, energy, and EV companies to enhance battery diagnostics, control quality, and improve battery reusability.

3. Little Energy

  • Founding Year: 2020
  • Employee Range: 11-50
  • Location: Spain
  • Signal Strength: Medium
  • What they do: Little Energy develops ESS-50, a modular refrigerated energy storage system that uses recovered EV batteries. It adapts to user capacity needs by connecting multiple units in parallel. Each unit includes an individual cooling system to maintain optimal internal temperature, which extends battery life. ESS-50 also features safety measures like a disconnect switch, overload protection, and battery management system (BMS)-actuated force contactors. The energy management system (EMS) module  further optimizes and personalizes the energy strategy.

4. Higher Wire

  • Founding Year: 2021
  • Employee Range: 2-10
  • Location: USA
  • Signal Strength: Very Strong
  • What they do: Higher Wire remanufactures lithium batteries for continued use. It disassembles used lithium battery packs and repurposes cells that pass rigorous analysis into second-life battery assemblies. These batteries power off-grid lighting and stationary energy storage applications, offering superior life and performance. The company’s products are direct replacements for lead-acid batteries, meeting or exceeding existing specifications and reducing overall lifecycle costs. Higher Wire ensures a fully sustainable lithium battery ecosystem by handling engineering, design, installation, and ongoing maintenance. It reduces the demand for critical minerals and manages end-of-life processes, including proper battery recycling.

5. reLi Energy

  • Founding Year: 2022
  • Employee Range: 2-10
  • Location: Germany
  • Signal Strength: Very Strong
  • What they do: reLi Energy optimizes battery assets for extending lifetimes and increasing profits. It provides battery optimization, cost function, control, and analytics tools to enhance energy storage performance. The company’s Battery Simulation Tool offers a detailed techno-economic analysis while the proprietary Battery Degradation Model simulates the impact of battery utilization to minimize degradation. This technology allows energy traders, asset managers, utilities, and commercial and industrial (C&I) battery installers to ensure that batteries operate within safe limits.

6. Vaulta

  • Founding Year: 2019
  • Employee Range: 2-10
  • Location: Australia
  • Signal Strength: Very Strong
  • What they do: Vaulta offers a recyclable and reusable battery case. It eliminates fasteners and welding to simplify battery assembly and disassembly. The battery case also uses composite materials to reduce weight while maintaining strength and improving performance. Vaulta’s no-weld design enables easy reusability and recycling of battery cells while enhancing thermal performance by cooling cells at their terminals. Further, the casing design facilitates local assembly by reducing parts, manufacturing time, and costs.


  • Founding Year: 2022
  • Employee Range: 11-50
  • Location: India
  • Signal Strength: Medium
  • What they do: IOTA repairs, reuses, and recycles lithium batteries to maximize battery usage while minimizing waste and environmental impact. The company uses mechanical processes to extract black mass, copper, and aluminum from used batteries. Its refurbished cell batteries are suitable for low-power applications. The company’s approach extends the life of EV batteries while emphasizing safety with stringent quality checks and safe transportation guidelines.

8. e.battery systems

  • Founding Year: 2019
  • Employee Range: 51-100
  • Location: Austria
  • Signal Strength: Very Strong
  • What they do: e.battery systems develops an energy storage system using second-life EV batteries. It features a modular design with safe voltage levels, below 60 volts, and a 67.5 kW inverter. The system offers rapid and automatic switching between charging and discharging as well as integrates with solar, wind, and hydrogen energy systems. Its intelligent charge management also enhances grid stability and self-sufficiency, offering cost savings, high battery capacity, and low energy waste.

9. Element Energy

  • Founding Year: 2019
  • Employee Range: 51-100
  • Location: USA
  • Signal Strength: Very Strong
  • What they do: Element Energy builds a BMS that enhances the safety, longevity, and performance of battery packs. Its distributed and adaptive BMS monitors and manages each cell independently to mitigate failures and optimize cell usage. The system increases battery lifetime and energy throughput through iterative cell management algorithms. It also features real-time, cloud-based monitoring and diagnostics to ensure efficient and safe battery operation. This reduces the weakest cell limitation and enhances overall pack efficiency and reliability.

10. Modual

  • Founding Year: 2021
  • Employee Range: 11-50
  • Location: Switzerland
  • Signal Strength: Weak
  • What they do: Modual provides sustainable energy storage using second-life EV batteries. Its products, Lite, Basic, Pro, and Grid, offer scalable, intelligent energy management for residential, commercial, and industrial applications. This technology ensures a reliable energy supply, reduces costs, and enhances grid stability by storing renewable energy for later use. The company enables self-consumption, peak shaving, buffer storage, and emergency power supply solutions.

Quick Tip to Find New Second-Life Battery Companies

Utilizing a SaaS platform like the Discovery Platform for identifying new second-life battery companies provides significant benefits compared to traditional scouting methods:

  • Streamlined Efficiency: The Discovery Platform offers advanced tools that streamline the scouting process. It replaces your hours of conventional desk research, saving time and resources in identifying second-life battery innovations.
  • Access to Real-time Insights: Gain a competitive edge with up-to-date information on the latest trends in the second-life battery industry. The platform keeps you informed with near real-time updates on emerging second-life battery companies and news, enabling you to make swift and informed decisions.
  • Precise Scouting: Customize your search to focus on specific niches within the second-life battery sector, such as battery upcycling, second-life energy storage systems, or renewed lithium-ion batteries. The platform’s diverse filtering options allow you to target your scouting efforts precisely, ensuring that you find the most relevant and groundbreaking companies in the field.

Ready to Explore All New Second-Life Battery Companies?

This overview highlights just a few second-life battery solutions from all 460+ new companies currently covered by the Discovery Platform. To explore them all, book a personalized demo or download one of our free Industry Innovation Reports for a quick overview. We seek partnerships with industry experts to deliver actionable insights into startups and tech. Interested? Let us know!


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