Gain data-driven insights on data protection, a sector consisting of 21.2K+ organizations worldwide. We have selected 10 standout innovators from 6.3K+ new data protection solutions, advancing the industry with confidential computing, homomorphic encryption, safe synthetic data, and more.
How is the service industry leveraging technologies to increase efficiency? Explore our data-driven industry research on the top 10 service economy trends based on our analysis of 5800+ startups & scaleups. These technology trends include blockchain, cybersecurity, predictive analytics & more.
This monthly report is derived from an in-depth analysis of all key events that are happening around cybersecurity today. You can catch up on the latest, must-know breakthroughs, major acquisitions & investments, and other events in the cybersecurity landscape, covering everything from the growing focus on AI-powered solutions to new cybersecurity requirements from NSA and the Biden administration.
Discover the most funded technologies and trends of 2023. From decarbonization to renewable energy, understand where VC funding is making the biggest impact and what to expect in 2024!
How are emerging technologies changing the customer experience? In this data-driven research on 1800+ experience economy startups & companies, you get insights into technology solutions such as conversational AI, AR/VR, omnichannel commerce, interactive robots & more!
How are different industries utilizing the latest tech in industrial machinery? In this data-driven industry research on 1200+ industrial machine startups & companies, you get insights into technology solutions spanning AR/VR, digital twin, clean energy machines, 3D Printing & more!
How are businesses leveraging technology to improve asset efficiency and uptime? Explore our data-driven research on the emerging asset management trends based on our analysis of 1500+ companies. These trends include asset intelligence, condition monitoring, cybersecurity & more.
How is innovation in a knowledge-driven economy improving information access? In this data-driven industry research on 1449 knowledge economy startups & scaleups, you get insights into technology solutions. They include AI-generated knowledge, blockchain, knowledge analytics, quantum computing & more.
How are businesses integrating various cyber-physical systems to increase productivity? Explore our in-depth analysis on the top examples of cyber-physical systems based on the analysis of 2300+ companies. These applications span autonomous vehicle systems, CPS security solutions, brain interfaces & more!