Startup scouting is the key to achieving innovation success and staying ahead of your competition. In today’s dynamic & fast-paced startup ecosystem, startup scouting helps you meet your innovation KPIs by discovering highly-relevant solutions and emerging technologies.
Are you still conducting traditional brainstorming sessions with pen and paper? It’s high time you leverage modern brainstorming tools that would save time and make the process 10x more efficient. Explore the top 3 of them now!
As an innovation manager, it is very important that you actively try to build an innovation culture within your team. But how can you do it most effectively? Here are a few tips that might help!
Discover 3 business innovations that became exponentially popular during the COVID-19 pandemic & are now part of the post-pandemic world!
Effective innovation management involves a hundred different things. This means you wear many hats. In this article, we will discuss some of the vital roles of an innovation manager that lead to successful product development & overall business growth!
Innovation is great! It is what drives your business forward. But are you measuring innovation? If not, read our blog to learn why you should start right away!
Thinking of going fearless with your company’s innovation? Then you need to be aware of probable innovation risks and the appropriate measures to tackle them successfully!
You’re unsure about the best time for investing in technology? Find out how Trend Intelligence tells you whether to place your bet now or wait until emerging technologies are more mature.
Explore 5 of the top innovations and technologies your business units must be aware of! These enable you to stay ahead of the technology curve, develop new products & services, and improve customer satisfaction.