Curious about startups that will impact the military and defense industry? Discover 20 hand-picked Military Technology Startups to Watch in 2025 in this report & learn what their solutions have in store for your business!
Gain data-driven insights on armed forces, an industry consisting of 138K+ organizations worldwide. We have selected 10 standout innovators from 1K+ new armed force solutions, advancing the industry with military robots, bulletproof vests, defense intelligence solutions, and more.
Are you curious about emerging anti-drone technologies? Explore our in-depth industry research on 274 startups & scaleups developing technologies to detect combat drones and get data-driven insights into technology-based solutions in our Drone Detection Innovation Map!
Curious about new technological advancements in the data processing sector? Explore our analysis of 834 global decision support system startups & scaleups impacting 10 industries and learn about their solutions including CDSS, climate decision support, smart transport planning, and more!
Curious about new technological advancements for military & defense? Explore our analysis of 579 global startups & scaleups and learn how their AI solutions impact your business!