Will technology help solve the challenges around power generation and distribution? This data-driven research focuses on the top 10 power distribution trends, based on our analysis of 955 emerging companies. These trends include microgrids, DERs, energy storage systems, digital twin & more!
Gain data-driven insights on microgrid technologies, an industry consisting of 5K+ organizations worldwide. We have selected 10 standout innovators from 770+ new microgrid technology solutions, advancing the industry with interactive energy grids, predictive control systems, modular microgrid installations, and more.
Which startups are driving innovation in water management? Discover 10 hand-picked Water Management Startups to Watch in 2023 in this report & learn what their solutions have in store for your business! These include smart water management, real-time asset monitoring, wastewater recycling technologies, and much more.
Are smart grids improving energy distribution and consumption? In this data-driven industry research on 1 277 smart grid startups & scaleups, you get insights into energy technology solutions spanning the internet of energy, renewable and EV integration, AI, blockchain & more.
How will utility companies utilize the latest technologies to advance their business in 2025? Explore our in-depth industry research on 2300+ utility startups & scaleups and get data-driven insights into technology-driven solutions such as decentralization, grid resilience, digital twins, AI & more!
Curious about startups that will impact the utility sector? Discover 5 hand-picked Utility Startups to Watch in 2022 in this report & learn what their solutions have in store for your business!
Curious about new technological advancements in the utility sector? Explore our analysis of 353 global startups & scaleups and learn how their connectivity solutions impact your business!
Curious about new technological advancements in the utility sector? Explore our analysis of 805 global startups & scaleups and learn how their blockchain solutions impact your business!
Curious about new technological advancements impacting utilities? Explore our analysis of 684 global startups & scaleups and learn how their predictive maintenance solutions impact your business!