This monthly report is derived from an in-depth analysis of all key events that is happening around software-defined storage today. You can catch up on the latest, must-know breakthroughs, major acquisitons & investments, and other events in the data storage landscape, covering everything from the growing focus on data storage solutions for high-performance computing to strategic collaborations like PEAK:AIO and Boston Limited.
How are emerging technologies impacting the events industry? In this data-driven research on 3997 event industry startups & scaleups, you get insights into technology solutions such as green events, live streaming, blockchain, event analytics & much more!
How will precision medicine technologies revolutionize pharma and healthcare? In this data-driven research on 1694 precision medicine startups & scaleups, you get insights into technology solutions spanning molecular diagnostics, drug repurposing, radiomics, precision oncology & more!
Which technologies in the food industry are enabling consumers to eat more consciously and manufacturers to streamline food production? Discover the top 20 hand-picked food tech startups to watch for 2025 & learn how their solutions advance alternative proteins, low-fat food mixes, animal-free collagen, food intolerance management & more!
With the increasing fragmentation of global supply chains, how are companies adapting? In this data-driven industry research on the emerging 3PL industry trends based on our analysis of 500+ companies. These trends include sustainable logistics, robotics, digital warehousing, reverse logistics & more!
How will emerging technologies shape an equitable and accessible global economy? In this data-driven research on 736 inclusive economy startups, you get insights into solutions such as disability communication apps, electronic braille reader, elder care assistants, women-centric inclusive finance & more!
Which technology advancements are impacting farmers worldwide? Discover 20 hand-picked Smart Farming Startups to Watch in 2025 in this report & explore the solutions they offer, spanning smart irrigation, land mapping, genetic editing, and livestock support, among others.
Do you know which AgriTech solutions improve yield and crop protection? Discover 20 hand-picked AgriTech startups to watch for 2025 in this report & learn how their solutions impact your business. These startups enable agricultural photogrammetry, early-stage pant disease detection, poultry biosecurity, sustainable weed management, and much more!
How are airlines leveraging technology to improve productivity and travel experience? Explore our data-driven research on the emerging airline industry trends based on our analysis of 3000+ companies. These trends span sustainable travel, autonomous flights, 3D printing, blockchain & more!